Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 8

To be a soldier means you have to obey all rules, and stay loyal to your side. You fight for not only your freedom, but for your country. I have learned once you are on the battle field, its every man for himself. No one can protect you, only you can. Not knowing if Lolo had been ok was something I wish I knew. I wanted to fight alongside with him in the forty-fourth war, and he was one so close to me. I found myself with a bullet wound that could easily bleed. For once I was proud I had killed a loyalist, in fact, many of them. To me this showed I was stronger than I thought, and I could do it. I could shoot a man with a pistol on my own. Soon after I woke up, Nacio had come along and explained to me what the plans of the Captain were. I was extremely shocked. Captain Mendoza was going to send me home. Home to my family where I could see my little brothers, and mother, and sister. As excited as I was, I worried about everyone else. Being on that battlefield can change a person forever. With so much training you know that you are ready for a war, but once you shot that gun, it changes you as a person. Not matter how long you train weather its months or years, that first pistol you shoot will be one you will remember forever. I had become more independent, and if Lolo was here he would have been proud of me. Now being a soldier, I wanted to continue. I didn’t want to head back to he village, even if it meant seeing my family. I wanted to be here and fight the fort-fourth war alongside with Nacio. This time, I would know what to do and wouldn’t hesitate to do it.